On this page I keep a bibliography of books I recommend. Unfortunately for all you English-speaking visitors, most of the books listed here are written and printed in Swedish, and I’m sorry I can’t refer to many English books. But the list may be of some interest anyway, and if you know of a book that especially interesting, don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail, to calle@rehbinder.se, and tell me about it. If I can get hold of such a book, read it and like it, I’ll add it to this list.
Runes and rune magic:
Om troldruner; Magnus Olsen (1917) (Danish)
Runornas talmystik och dess antika förebild; Sigurd Agrell (1927) (Swedish)
Rökstenens chiffergåtor och andra runologiska problem; Sigurd Agrell (1930) (Swedish)
Senantik mysteriereligion och nordisk runmagi; Sigurd Agrell (1931) (Swedish)
Lapptrummor och Runmagi; Sigurd Agrell (1934) (Swedish)
Nordisk Familjebok; fourth edition, index word ”Runor” (1953) (Swedish)
Runinskrifter i Sverige; Sven B. F. Jansson (1963) (Swedish – but can also be found in English, under the name ”Runes in Sweden”, 1987)
RUNA – Runorakel och Runmagi; Bodvar Bjarke (1988) (Swedish)
Runmagi och Shamanism; Atrid Grimsson (1990) (Swedish)
Runristningar; Göran Stålbom (1994) (Swedish)
Runmärkt – från brev till klotter; catalogues from the Stockholm Medieval Museum exhibition about runes (1995) (Swedish)
Rune Power – The Secret Knowledge of The Wise Ones; Kenneth Meadows (1996) (English)
Bergets Visdom – Shamanskt arbete med berg, sten och mineral; Atrid Grimsson, Jörgen I. Eriksson (1996) (Swedish)
Scandinavian mythology, shamanism, and history:
Fädernas Gudasaga; Viktor Rydberg (1887, 1983) (Swedish)
Egil Skallagrimssons saga, samt Gunnlaug Ormstungas saga; transl. from Icelandic by Hjalmar Alving (1938) (Swedish)
SEJD – Textstudier i nordisk religionshistoria; Dag Strömbäck (1935) (Swedish)
Den Egna Kraftens Män; Folke Ström (1948) (Swedish)
Diser, Nornor, Valkyrjor – Fruktbarhetskult och sakralt kungadöme i Norden; Folke Ström (1954) (Swedish)
Nordisk Hedendom – Tro och sed i förkristen tid; Folke Ström (1961, 1967, 1985) (Swedish)
Shamanens väg; Michael Harner (1989) (The Way of the Shaman – originally published in english, 1983)
SEJD – en vägledning i nordlig shamanism; Jörgen I. Eriksson, Mikael Gejel, Mikael Hedlund, Marie Eriksson (1988) (Swedish)
Jordens moder i Norden – Myt, magi och fruktbarhetsrit i förkristen tid; Birgitta Onsell (1990) (Swedish)
Freyja – The Great Goddess of the North; Britt-Mari Näsström (1995) (English)